My Two Takeaways from Reading "The Infinite Game" by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is widely recognized as a leadership and culture guru in corporate America. He gained immense popularity through his viral TedX talk, “Start With Why,” and the subsequent book. I attempted to read this book previously but lost interest. However, I gave it another chance and managed to get through three quarters before losing […]

The Alcoholic, Drug Addicted, Venture Capitalist

Yesterday, sixteen years ago, I woke up in a detox center as part of a residential rehab program. It marked the first day I started my day without relying on any mood-altering substances. Until then, not a single day had gone by without me turning to substances to fill an unending void. I attempted to […]

What I Learned from Reading Limitless by Jim Kwik

In a fast-paced world where intellectual agility is highly valued, we often find ourselves wondering how we can boost our brainpower. Enter, Jim Kwik’s Limitless book. As a venture capitalist, I am constantly needing to read, digest, and synthesisize content to make better investing decisions. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some of the […]

Weekend Reads and Listens – Last Weekend in Phoenix for the Summer

Hello, and happy Saturday to you all! As we near the end of May here in Arizona, it’s been surprisingly mild outside, with temperatures staying under 100 degrees. Of course, we all know the heat is just around the corner, and my family and I are preparing to head to our summer home in Carlsbad, […]

What I Learned From Reading "How I Invest My Money" by Brian Portnoy

As an investor, it’s important to study the strategies employed by successful capital allocators for their own balance sheets. Brian Portnoy‘s book, “How I Invest My Money,” provides insights into the investment strategies of some of the greatest capital allocators of all time. What’s interesting is that simple strategies are often the most effective, and […]

Three Things I Learned About Healthcare from Reading "The Price We Pay"

I am working on a thematic investing approach this year and my interests have been guided towards the healthcare industry. Probably because I am a masochist. I picked up the book The Price We Pay- by Marty Makary after it was recommended to me by TX Zhuo over at Fika Ventures. It does an incredible […]

What I Learned from Reading "The Psychology of Money"

Investing Psychology is something that I have started to become more interested in: especially during the current times of great uncertainty in the markets. I found some great takeaways in the book “The Psychology of Money,” Morgan Housel explores the many ways that our psychology influences our relationship with money. Here are some of the […]

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I get up early, like really early—truly, at an unfathomable hour. As part of my morning ritual, I engage in expressive writing to bring clarity to the labyrinth of my thoughts. Delving into topics encompassing startups, investing, and personal growth. People seem to like it.